It takes many hands on deck to make this program a success. We need volunteers and donations for upcoming events. By volunteering, you will get to meet other choral parents and have a great time supporting our wonderful students. There are lots of ways to get involved in the Choral Boosters! There is no need for previous experience - just a willingness to pitch in! Please consider voluteering! It takes full participation for a fun and successful choral season.

Upcoming events

  • First Fridays


    Help with set up/take down or manning the booth during the event.

  • Choreo Weekends

    Multiple weekends / Multiple shifts

    help with set up/take down as well as serving lunches

  • Candlelight Auditions

    2PM - 5PM

    assist as needed while students prepare and audition.

  • Friday Rehearsals

    2PM - 5PM

    assist as needed during syndicated sound rehearsals

  • Dinner Theater

    Multiple days in Oct & Nov

    Assist as needed while students rehearse for their performance

  • Valspar Golf Event

    March 13-25 Multiple Shifts

    Assist in manning parking lot for the event

  • Tag Day

    Weekend day as needed

    Chaperone students as they fundraise outside of a local Publix.

  • Car Wash

    Weekend day as needed

    Assist students as they work car was at local auto parts stores

  • Crew

    Various days and times

    Set design, maintenance, as well as backstage during competitions

Interested in becoming a volunteer?

In order to become a volunteer, you must complete the Pinellas County Schools volunteer registration form. Information about volunteering in a Pinellas County School is available on the PCS volunteer webpage.

Many of the band program volunteer opportunities do not require that you are a PCS level 2 volunteer. However, being a level 2 volunteer gives you a broader range of volunteer opportunities with the band. Level 2 offers additional security for our students and is required to be a PCS chaperone. For additional details regarding the level 2 volunteer, please review the PCS level 2 volunteer process.

Already a volunteer?

All volunteers must reactivate their Portal volunteer account each year. To do this log into your existing Portal volunteer account using your v.account information.

Login: v.last name and first initial – all lowercase [example login: v.smitha]​

Password: Last name (capitalize first letter), followed by your 4-digit birth year [example password: Smith1973]